- I’m Hamza Anver, from Sri Lanka, currently a Junior at New York University, majoring in Computer Science with a minor in Engineering.
- I have a strong interest in embedded systems, electronics, computers, game development, cats, and other related subjects.
- During the summer of 2024, I interned at Sri Lanka Telecom’s Digital Lab, where I contributed to projects such as generating synthetic data for training ML models on Sri Lankan license plates. I also developed an embedded library for Industrial IoT, which facilitated MQTT communication and updates via LTE and WiFi.
- In the Spring and summer of 2023, I was part of nyuad.space, a rocketry team of five Engineering and Computer Science students based in NYUAD’s Engineering Design Studio. My contributions included working on an HDRM in collaboration with JUCI, the HALOSHIP high-powered amateur rocket, and Rocat v1.1, a custom high-speed data logger and flight computer.
- Additionally, I enjoy working on personal projects. A recent one is a web-based Gridfinity Generator, inspired by Zack Freedman (VoidStarLab)’s Gridfinity system.
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